Sunday, September 26, 2010

It starts over again!

Tonight I was watching a re-run of I Am Legend on some random cable channel and I got to re-watch my favorite scene in the movie. It's right in the beginning when Will Smith is hunting on "Mustang-back". It starts with the shot from the back of the herd of deer in downtown Manhattan. They're running from him and he's taking potshots. It ends with the buck he has a bead on being taken by a lioness in the middle of the street.

I love that scene. It's urban beauty. It's how I'd like to see New York next time I have to drive through it.

Hi, I'm Glen, and this is my blog. It's the first blog I've ever used but it's not the first time I've used it. This is my third go-round.

I've grown sick of a lot of things, from being told what to do to owing money to people I've never met. I'm paying rent to have shelter and I'm having to go to a grocery store to give money in order to feed myself and my fiancée. That's not right in my book. Basic human needs should not be served in trade. Luxuries could be, maybe, but not basic needs.

That in itself would bring me to a huge discussion (read: rant) about some of the things I've begun to see wrong after reading John Zerzan, Daniel Quinn, Marshall Sahlins, and others. I've noted many of the ideas they espouse seem to lie very close with the things I thought myself when I was a little younger.

I was always unable to articulate them properly, and now I know why: I needed to do a lot of research. It seems that these three authors have done most of that research for me and have decided to publish it all for the purpose of making my own belief system easily available to all, unlike my feeble attempts at dissemination when asked for my opinions on religion and politics just a scant dozen years ago. I'd like to thank them for that; they communicate far, far better than I can.

It's not just them that I've been reading. I've also been reading a lot of papers available at that have struck a chord with me. Not all of them have, of course, and some of them I stressfully disagree with, but a fairly large percentage of the authors there also get the message across better than I can. The rest of them are pedantic assholes¹ who believe that there are no words with fewer than five syllables worth reading, of course.²

I want to rewild. I'm not an eco-anarchist, but I am; I'm not anti-technology, but I'm a luddite. I admit it. I didn't used to be, and I even went to school for computer programming. I still do it occasionally. But that's not what I want to do anymore. I'm not getting any younger, but I still can't afford to have kids. Is there something wrong with that? Yeah, I think so. I still can't teach them to be survivable should something happen to me or their mom. That's just wrong, and I aim to correct it. So I want to rewild.

I've seen some great signatures on forum posts recently that just about sum it up:

"For millions of years, man hunted and fished for his living. And we thought we could improve on that?"

"If God did Not want us to eat animals why did he make them out of meat?"

"'The future will soon be a thing of the past' -George Carlin"


¹If I hear another pretentious jackboot use a seventy-three syllable word ending in "-ism" without referring to himself in the same sentence, I'm going to cause him to lose teeth.

²Yeah, you know who you are. If you can't bring it to the level of the common Joe, you don't understand it well enough to be talking about it in the first place. I applaud your effort but I'm afraid I'm unable to pay attention to you.